more irregular

美 [mɔːr ɪˈreɡjələr]英 [mɔː(r) ɪˈreɡjələ(r)]
  • adj.不规则的;无规律的;紊乱的;不正常的;不合乎常规的;不整齐的;不平整的;参差不齐的
  • irregular的比较级
more irregularmore irregular
  1. Beyond this point , dendritic crystals ( becoming more and more irregular with increasing dose ) were obtained .


  2. The more irregular the service , the more irregular the life .


  3. The more irregular the grain , the greater the deformation is .


  4. Bubble dynamic makes the spray edge more irregular , but promotes atomization .


  5. The more irregular molecular chain structure was , the tougher PP copolymer was .


  6. The closer the fractal dimension is to 3 , the more irregular and complex the surface is .


  7. Younger children , in the process of maintaining balance , child care more irregular shape arms to be found .


  8. Test results show lower exit average total pressure recovery , larger circumferential total pressure distortion and stronger and more irregular secondary flow .


  9. The landscape shapes index increased by 17.7 % at landscape level , showing the shapes of landscape are more irregular .


  10. The dysplastic cells in the center extending to upper right are smaller overall with darker , more irregular nuclei .


  11. This is possible but far from obvious , when you realise that the tax might encourage bigger , more irregular financial transactions .


  12. The results show that finer powders with lower oxygen content and more irregular shape can be obtained by composite atomization technology comparing with single atomization process .


  13. After 2 hours of cell culture , cell skeleton was reorganized and cell morphology became more irregular with the increase of anodizing voltages .


  14. However , due to rebound method in the course of the operation there are more irregular , arbitrary , improper calculation of the problem , resulting in large errors .


  15. As adults age , it 's common for their sleep patterns to change or become disrupted - leading to longer , shorter , or more irregular sleep .


  16. Lesions with a larger enhancement area and / or a more irregular shape during the arterial or portal phase at CEUS were classified as group A ;


  17. The neoplastic glands are more irregular with darker ( hyperchromatic ) and more crowded nuclei .


  18. The analysis on the index of patch showed that isolation index of the cultivated land strengthened and the shapes of cultivated land were more irregular , which caused its complexity increased ;


  19. The results showed that , during the past 15 years , vegetations in the three function zones were in the process of ordinal succession , meanwhile the vegetation patches became more irregular .


  20. The wavelet periodic analysis model is sensitive to the basin scale . The smaller the basin area is , the more irregular the runoff series change , as a result , the forecasting result of the model is worse .


  21. Fever is this disease , all the major clinical manifestations of patients with the highest temperature of average 38.32 + 0.90 ℃, the average fever lasts for 80.51 + 41.60 hours , its thermal type is shown more irregular hot .


  22. The boundaries of the same granular sludge were fractal with the fractal dimensions of approximate 1.1 , demonstrating the irregularity of the boundaries or surface , furthermore the surface of these granules formed in the first and fifth compartments was more irregular .


  23. I think you worry too much , and seemed to have never heard of Wyeth children drink more ah irregular teeth .


  24. In weak shock time , high frequencies are more and irregular . Soft ground records concentrate on 5 Hz below , such as E site .


  25. O zephine , o josephine , face more than irregular , you would be charming were you not all askew .


  26. Since there are two iterative decoding steps in the receiver for each retransmission , the noise thresholds of both iterative decoding steps are optimized simultaneously and a more desirable irregular distribution is found by the density evolution algorithm .


  27. Triangular grid system is adopted in the horizontal direction to make the model more adaptive to irregular boundary shape .


  28. When he studies foreign language , he not only pays attention to regular things but also pays much more attention to irregular things .


  29. At the same time cell 's form was more and more irregular , the side direction would be extended gradually afterwards , disappeared layers of phenomenon .


  30. Individual trajectories of depression is more scattered and irregular , heat map more limited ; normal individual trajectories more intensive and rules , heat map is more spread .
